Museo Correr

Museo Correr

WUNDERKAMMER. Studies, discoveries, restorations for the "Grande Correr"


From April 2013

The collecting activity of Teodoro Correr towards the end of the 18th century, at a time when the Serenissima was historically and politically on the wane, began the process that led to the basis for the extraordinary heritage in art and history of the Musei Civici di Venezia.

This is the true treasure of the city, which is rich in masterpieces and exceptional historical traces. The care, restoration and study that are daily invested in the Correr’s works lead to sometimes astonishing results. This project wishes to reveal to a wider public something of the results of this multidisciplinary, silent work that is often known only to specialists.

The storerooms have yielded many works that for long have been misunderstood or underestimated and which today have gained their rightful position thanks to study: paintings, sculptures, bronzes, ivories, enamels, majolica, miniatures, gems, furniture, revealed today in all their glory and appeal. Works of art and fine objects from Venice and from far further afield, brought together to evoke the ideals of a cultured collector in an aristocratic palazzo: a ‘treasure’ at last rediscovered.

Discover more about “Wunderkammer” >>>

Curated by Andrea Bellieni