Presentazione del volume
Venerdì 31 maggio al Museo Correr la presentazione del volume di Margherita Zibordi “Le miniature del Museo Correr di Venezia. Pagine e ritagli tra Medioevo e Rinascimento” […]
Presentazione del volume
Giovedì 30 maggio al Museo Correr la presentazione del volume di Chiara Bombardini “Pietro Gradenigo e i Notatori. ‘Annotazioni curiose’ notizie e appunti per l’arte a Venezia nel Settecento” […]
The Exhibition
Together with Donatien Grau, Francesco Vezzoli has devised the exhibition Musei delle Lacrime, in which he will place his works (historical, recent and some created for this
occasion) beside masterpieces from the collection of the Museo Correr […]
Monica Dengo (Italy)
The calligraphy exhibition will focus on the calligraphic cultures encountered by Marco Polo on his journey to the East. The exhibition will be accompanied by the traditional masterclasses organised by the Library of the Museo Correr, and by two workshops held on the premises of the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti in Murano […]
Mingjun Luo (China)
The calligraphy exhibition will focus on the calligraphic cultures encountered by Marco Polo on his journey to the East. The exhibition will be accompanied by the traditional masterclasses organised by the Library of the Museo Correr, and by two workshops held on the premises of the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti in Murano […]
Sarko Meené (Armenia)
The calligraphy exhibition will focus on the calligraphic cultures encountered by Marco Polo on his journey to the East. The exhibition will be accompanied by the traditional masterclasses organised by the Library of the Museo Correr, and by two workshops held on the premises of the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti in Murano […]
Hassan Massoudy (Iraq)
The calligraphy exhibition will focus on the calligraphic cultures encountered by Marco Polo on his journey to the East. The exhibition will be accompanied by the traditional masterclasses organised by the Library of the Museo Correr, and by two workshops held on the premises of the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti in Murano […]
Golnaz Fathi (Iran)
The calligraphy exhibition will focus on the calligraphic cultures encountered by Marco Polo on his journey to the East. The exhibition will be accompanied by the traditional masterclasses organised by the Library of the Museo Correr, and by two workshops held on the premises of the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti in Murano […]
Gayane Yerkanyan (Armenia)
The calligraphy exhibition will focus on the calligraphic cultures encountered by Marco Polo on his journey to the East. The exhibition will be accompanied by the traditional masterclasses organised by the Library of the Museo Correr, and by two workshops held on the premises of the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti in Murano […]
Monica Dengo
La mostra al Museo Correr proporrà un approfondimento sulle culture calligrafiche incontrate da Marco Polo nel suo viaggio in Oriente. La mostra, affiancata alle tradizionali masterclass organizzate dalla Biblioteca del Museo Correr, fa parte della rassegna di calligrafia che prevede due workshop presso la Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti di Murano […]