Museo Correr

Museo Correr

Plan your visit

Accessibility and Services

Gruppo-icone-SERVIZI-ACCESIBILITA-CORRER- con Babypitstop







  • Desk info
  • Ticket office
  • Cloakroom*
  • Toilette
  • Bookshop
  • Museum Cafè
  • Lift
  • Baby Pit-stop (Dedicated room, for breastfeeding, change and relax)

*Suitcases, trolleys and any bulky luggage are not permitted in the museum areas (any luggage whose sum of the three sides exceeds 1 linear meter, including handles, wheels and external pockets). Visitors are required to leave all bulky luggage elsewhere before arriving at the museum entrance.
Smaller but still bulky bags and backpacks, umbrellas and any other objects which, in the opinion of the security personnel, cannot be introduced into the exhibition areas, must be left in the cloakroom. The cloakroom service is free of charge.



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Notes on architectural barriers

  • Fitted-up toilets on first floor.
  • Small lift (56 x 100 cm) at the street number 1221B, by the main entrance of the Museum.
  • Visitors must call +39 041 2405211 in advance, to arrange the best means of access and to obtain the most suitable forms of assistance
  • Tour for the visually impaired on the first floor, in a limited area.


Specific needs  
All the tours and workshop activities are already designed to be fully inclusive; however, they can also be remodelled to meet specific needs. It is possible to personally adapt materials for children with learning difficulties.
Find out more >



Venice Accessible
Correr Museum and the St. Mark’s area are inclused in the accessible routes reported by the City of Venice.
Further informations available at “VENICE ACCESSIBLE” official page>>