Museo Correr

Museo Correr

FROM DARKNESS TO THE LIGHT: WRITERS IN MUSEUMS 1798-1898. An International Conference


Wednesday 27th April 2016, 3 p.m.
Scuola Grande di San Rocco, Salone Capitolare

Welcome by: 
Franco Posocco
Guardian Grando Scuola Grande di San Rocco

Mariacristina Gribaudi
Presidente Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia

Gabriella Belli
Direttore Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia

Katherine Manthorne
Graduate School, City University of New York

Paolo Trentinaglia de Daverio
Presidente Associazione “Amici dei Musei”

Rosella Mamoli Zorzi
Presidente Comitato di Venezia, Società Dante Alighieri


Rosella Mamoli Zorzi
From Darkness to Light: the reasons for this conference

Demetrio Sonaglioni, Vicario della Scuola Grande di San Rocco
Light at the Scuola Grande di San Rocco


Chair: Maria Agnese Chiari Moretto Wiel, Wake Forest University
Giovanni C. F. Villa, Università di Bergamo
Lights for Tintoretto; unveiling the obscure between gas and LED

Melania G. Mazzucco, scrittrice
Tintoretto: an unexepected light. Lightnings, Haloes, Embers and other Glowing Lights

David Nye University of Southern Denmark, Danish Institute for Advanced Study
How artificial lighting changed in museums between 1800 and 1920

Antonio Foscari, IUAV
Time and light

6 p.m.

Alberto Pasetti Bombardella
he museum on stage. How the light scheme allows for new interpretations of paintings and practical demonstration of LED different lights on the Tintorettos of the Scuola

Welcome “prosecco” offered by Scuola Grande di San Rocco

8 p.m.:

Visit to the lighting of the Basilica di San Marco. Our host will be arch. Ettore Vio, former “proto” of the Basilica, and a member of the Scuola Grande di San Rocco.


Thursday 28th April, 10 a.m.
Museo Correr, Salone da Ballo


Museums and Collections in the USA

Chairs: Gabriella Belli, Direttore Fondazione MUVE

Burton Kummerow, President Emeritus of the Maryland Historical Society
100 Gems of Light; the Peale Family Introduces Gaslight to America

Katherine Manthorne, CUNY Graduate School
Illuminating the Big Picture: Frederic Church’s Heart of the Andes Viewed by Writers

Kathy Lawrence, Yale University
Primitives in Modern Light: James Jackson Jarves and the American Remaking of Italian Galleries

11.30 Break

11.45 a.m.:

Chair: Philip Rylands, Director Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Holly Salmon, Isabella Stewart – Gardner Museum
Shedding Light on the History of Lighting at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Lee Glazer, Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
Seeing Beauty: Light and Design at the Freer Gallery of Art, ca. 1923

Gianfranco Pocobene, Isabella Stewart – Gardner Museum
John Singer Sargent’s Lighting Scheme for the Boston Public Library Murals: Artistic Intent, History and Public Perception

Lunch break

2.30 p.m.

Museums and Mansions in England

Chair: Paola Marini, Direttore Generale delle Gallerie dell’Accademia

Helen Dorey, Sir John Soane’s Museum, London
The challenge of “lumière mysterieuse”: lighting Sir John Soane’s permanently magical Museum

Sarah Quill, Photographer
Lighting up the Darkness: The National Gallery, London

Caroline Patey, Università di Milano
Henry James and the Poetics of the Wallace Collection

Marina Coslovi, Nottingham University
Electrifying spectacles: changing light sources and art collections at Chatswoth and Cragside

5.15 p.m. Break

French and Spanish museums

Chair: Simone Francescato, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia

Pere Gifra-Adroher, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcellona
Art Lovers of all Sorts: Nineteenth-Century American Writers and Travelers in Madrid’s Museo del Prado

Paula Deitz, The Hudson Review
In the Galleries with Henry James

Jean Pavans
Le musée Fabre à Montpellier

7 p.m.

Drink at the Rosand Library & Study Center, offered by Save Venice
Palazzo Contarini Polignac, Dorsoduro 870 


Friday 29th April, 10 a.m.
Sala da ballo, Museo Correr

Italian museums

Chair: Ileana Chiappini di Sorio, Amici dei Musei, e Daniela Ciani Forza, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Cristina Acidini, Presidente dell’Accademia delle Arti del Disegno di Firenze
To look (and to see) in the 19th century: at the Uffizi and not only there

Stephanie Hicks, Edinburgh University
Illumination and Decay: Ralph Waldo Emerson in Italy’s Museums, 1832-33

Joshua Parker, Universität Salzburg
Hawthorne in the Capitoline and Twain in the Vatican: Visions of the Past’s Incarnation and of the Present’s Immobilization

11.30 Break

Cristina Beltrami, Centro di Ateneo di Arti Visive, Università degli Studi di Bergamo
The Experience of Venetian Masterpieces in French Literature between the 19th and 20th centuries

Margherita Ciacci, New York University, Firenze
19th Century Anglo-American Visitors in Florence’s Art Places

Page Stevens Knox, Columbia University
Shedding Light on Old Italian Masters: Timothy Cole’s Series for the Century Magazine 1884-1892

Lunch break

2.30 p.m.

Chair: Renata Codello, Segretario regionale MiBact per il Veneto

Adrienne Baxter Bell, Marymount Manhattan College
Into the Broad Sunlight: Anne Hampton Brewster’s Chronicle of Gilded Age Rome

Rita Severi, Università di Verona
Every fine effect of light and shadow. Evaluations, descriptions and accounts of artistic works in their privileged settings in the writings of Henry Perry Leland, William Wetmore Story, and Charles Eliot Norton

Camillo Tonini, già Responsabile di Palazzo Ducale
The Venice Ducal Palace

Emma Sdegno, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
The Galleries of the Accademia according to Ruskin

Andrea Bellieni, Responsabile del Museo Correr, Fondazione MUVE
The Correr Museum

Japanese Museums

Chair: Pia Masiero, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Dorsey Kleitz, Tokyo Woman’s Christian University and Sandra K. Lucore Indipendent scholar
In Praise of Shadows: Ernest Fenollosa and the Origins of Japanese Museum Culture

Sergio Perosa, Professore emerito Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
Premonitions: From Shakespeare to James

Rosella Mamoli Zorzi