Organised by the Musei Civici Veneziani – in collaboration with Fondation Arp – Clamart, Stiftung Hans Arp und Sophie Taeuber-Arp e. V. – Rolandseck e Fondazione Marguerite Arp – Locarno , with the sponsorship of the Swiss Embassy in Italy, produced with Venezia Musei and with the support of Pro Helvetia – the exhibition comprises around 140 works: sculpture, drawings, collages, mobiles and architectural and furniture designs from some of the most prestigious private collections and museums in Europe. It offers an insight into the professional and personal relationship between Hans Jean Arp, the abstract-surrealist sculptor, and Sophie Taeuber-Arp, abstract painter and sculptor – two figures who in different but parallel ways helped to modify the course of art in the twentieth century.
Chaired by Giandomenico Romanelli, the Selection Committee for the exhibition included Elena Càrdenas Malagodi, Stefano Cecchetto, Rainer Hüben, Walburga Krupp, Dieter G. Lange, Lorenza Trucchi, Claude Weill.
The project goes together with the exhibition Arp, Illustrator and Poet, to be held in the Spazio Culturale Svizzero in Venice.