ATTENTION: these instructions are valid only for those who have received an e-mail from the Photo Archive containing the amount of and the identification code that must be used for payment.
The communicated amount must be paid by bank transfer, addressed to:
Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, San Marco 52, 30124 Venezia
IBAN: IT73 Q076 0102 0000 0009 3441 855
Bank: Poste Italiane S.p.A. – Venezia
Obligatory reason for payment: “digital reproduction code AFXXXX/XXXX” (please write the identification code communicated by e-mail)
After payment please send a copy to our Financial department by e-mail at or by fax (fax number 0039 041 5285028).
After payment confirmation by our Financial department we’ll send image and permission by e-mail link and invoice by ordinary mail to the address that you communicated us by request form.