Museo Correr

Museo Correr

Plan your visit


MUVE icona attenzione


We inform our visitors that the Monumental Rooms of the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana will be closed to the public from Monday, 10 March to Friday, 18 April.

We apologize for the inconvenience.



MUVE icona attenzione


We inform our visitors that the maintenance of the Scarpa frames in the Picture Gallery is currently in progress, therefore some paintings may be temporarily absent.

We apologize for the inconvenience.



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We inform our visitors that some artworks exhibited on the first floor of the Museum are on loan to the exhibition “Venice and the Ottoman Empire” at the Savannah Telfair Museum (January 31 – May 4, 2025) and to the exhibition “Il seduttore. Il rinnovamento dell’immagine maschile al tempo di Casanova”  at the Palazzo Mocenigo Museum, Venice (March 7 – July 27, 2025).



MUVE icona attenzione


It is not permitted to enter the museum area with suitcases, trolleys and bulky bags (luggage whose sum of the dimensions of the three sides exceed a total of 1 linear meter). Visitors with such luggage will not be allowed inside the museum. We therefore kindly request that any kind of bulky luggage may be deposited elsewhere before coming to the museum.

Medium-size bags and backpacks, umbrellas and any other objects that will not be judged suitable to enter the museum galleries by security staff must be left at the cloakroom. Storage is free of charge.

Thanks for your cooperation.



MUVE icona attenzione


  • People whose face is covered with a veil will be asked to present identification before being admitted.
  • Bags and rucksacks may be checked at the museum entrances.
  • Please leave any bulky items in the cloakroom.

Thank you for your help.