Museo Correr

Past exhibitions

WORDS AND IMAGES. Moments in the history of printing and print-making from the Museo Correr collection.

From June 9, 2006 to September 2, 2007

Drawing upon normally unexhibited material from the museum’s collections – including its Cabinet of Drawings and Prints and Library of Venetian History and Art – this exhibition offers an insight into the history of printing and print-making in Venice. […]


From April 8 to July 16, 2006

Organised by the Musei Civici Veneziani – in collaboration with Fondation Arp – Clamart, Stiftung Hans Arp und Sophie Taeuber-Arp e. V. – Rolandseck e Fondazione Marguerite Arp – Locarno , with the sponsorship of the Swiss Embassy in Italy, produced with Venezia Musei and with the support of Pro Helvetia – the exhibition comprises around 140 works: sculpture, drawings, collages, mobiles and architectural and furniture designs from some of the most prestigious private collections and museums in Europe […]

UGO VALERI. Sentiment and unease.

From March 3 to May 7, 2006

Organized by the Musei Civici Venezia and Edizionitrart, the exhibition displays around 100 works in oil, tempera, ink and pencil, illustrating the work of the Veneto painter, an emblematic figure of the lively and restless artistic world that existed in the city at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Brother of the poet Diego Valeri, Ugo was a leading figure in the cultural circles and a very talented illustrator. He would become an important point of reference for the famous 1909 ‘secession’ at Ca’ Pesaro, the palazzo where his life would come to an untimely and tragic end in 1911. […]