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Lunedì 16 settembre 2024 al Museo Correr, quarto appuntamento con il convegno sull’arte delle Perle di Vetro nell’ambito di “The Venice Glass Week”. Tema di quest’anno “Le perle di vetro: evoluzione tecnologica e scambi commerciali attraverso i secoli”. […]

Pubblicato in PERLE 4.0 | Le perle di vetro: evoluzione tecnologica e scambi commerciali | Commenti disabilitati su Convegno


Giovedì 17 ottobre 2024 al Museo Correr di Venezia, la conferenza della Storica dell’arte Raffaella Fontanarossa ‘In viaggio con le Muse: da Venezia all’Oriente’ […]

Pubblicato in In viaggio con le Muse: da Venezia all’Oriente | Commenti disabilitati su Conferenza

Presentazione del volume

Venerdì 31 maggio al Museo Correr la presentazione del volume di Margherita Zibordi “Le miniature del Museo Correr di Venezia. Pagine e ritagli tra Medioevo e Rinascimento” […]

Pubblicato in Presentazione del volume LE MINIATURE DEL MUSEO CORRER DI VENEZIA | Commenti disabilitati su Presentazione del volume

Presentazione del volume

Giovedì 30 maggio al Museo Correr la presentazione del volume di Chiara Bombardini “Pietro Gradenigo e i Notatori. ‘Annotazioni curiose’ notizie e appunti per l’arte a Venezia nel Settecento” […]

Pubblicato in Presentazione del volume PIETRO GRADENIGO E I NOTATORI | Commenti disabilitati su Presentazione del volume

The Exhibition

Together with Donatien Grau, Francesco Vezzoli has devised the exhibition Musei delle Lacrime, in which he will place his works (historical, recent and some created for this
occasion) beside masterpieces from the collection of the Museo Correr […]

Pubblicato in Exhibition - Francesco Vezzoli. Musei delle Lacrime | Commenti disabilitati su The Exhibition

Monica Dengo (Italy)

The calligraphy exhibition will focus on the calligraphic cultures encountered by Marco Polo on his journey to the East. The exhibition will be accompanied by the traditional masterclasses organised by the Library of the Museo Correr, and by two workshops held on the premises of the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti in Murano […]

Pubblicato in Calligraphy exhibition THE WAY OF WRITING | Commenti disabilitati su Monica Dengo (Italy)

Mingjun Luo (China)

The calligraphy exhibition will focus on the calligraphic cultures encountered by Marco Polo on his journey to the East. The exhibition will be accompanied by the traditional masterclasses organised by the Library of the Museo Correr, and by two workshops held on the premises of the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti in Murano […]

Pubblicato in Calligraphy exhibition THE WAY OF WRITING | Commenti disabilitati su Mingjun Luo (China)

Sarko Meené (Armenia)

The calligraphy exhibition will focus on the calligraphic cultures encountered by Marco Polo on his journey to the East. The exhibition will be accompanied by the traditional masterclasses organised by the Library of the Museo Correr, and by two workshops held on the premises of the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti in Murano […]

Pubblicato in Calligraphy exhibition THE WAY OF WRITING | Commenti disabilitati su Sarko Meené (Armenia)

Hassan Massoudy (Iraq)

The calligraphy exhibition will focus on the calligraphic cultures encountered by Marco Polo on his journey to the East. The exhibition will be accompanied by the traditional masterclasses organised by the Library of the Museo Correr, and by two workshops held on the premises of the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti in Murano […]

Pubblicato in Calligraphy exhibition THE WAY OF WRITING | Commenti disabilitati su Hassan Massoudy (Iraq)

Golnaz Fathi (Iran)

The calligraphy exhibition will focus on the calligraphic cultures encountered by Marco Polo on his journey to the East. The exhibition will be accompanied by the traditional masterclasses organised by the Library of the Museo Correr, and by two workshops held on the premises of the Scuola del Vetro Abate Zanetti in Murano […]

Pubblicato in Calligraphy exhibition THE WAY OF WRITING | Commenti disabilitati su Golnaz Fathi (Iran)